Monthly Archives: June 2018

Super Ideas To Find The Right Jewelry For You

Have you ever looked in the mirror early in the morning, and then felt like something was amiss? Something just seems a little askew, even though your clothes, shoes, and socks all match. The one thing that is missing is your jewelry. With one simple piece of jewelry, you can make your unease melt away.

Polishing Cloth

Get a polishing cloth for your jewelery. A polishing cloth is a very gentle way to get a good shine on all your pieces. Use the dual-sided cloth to gently buff your jewelry as you would a delicate glass. Use one side of the cloth for polishing, and reserve the other side for shining it afterward.

Avoid using things like bleach, acetone, ammonia, turpentine, and other related chemicals to clean them with. Doing so can damage the shine and luster of the stones on your favorite pieces.

Know which kind of stone you …